Conger Reynolds correspondence, May 1918
1918-05-20 Conger Reynolds to Steve Page 2
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any little old Baron stunt, but just the same you have to sniffle like some old hen about it. You ought to know, but you don't, of course, that I am a fairly good actress in such cases. You never will find that out, I s'pose. I enjoyed part of that affair, but I didn't like all of it, of course. And I can't see what real danger there could be to a woman - wait now - I mean more than there'd be to a man, if she carried a revolver in a convenient place. Honey child, I'm not really afraid of anything on earth, honest I'm not, except flies and spiders. They are the only things, but I'm enough afraid of either of them to make up for all the rest. (Just at this critical place a bug crawled over my bare foot and I almost upset my chair getting my feet up.) Dearest, because you know best, and because you are my husband and because I despise the
any little old Baron stunt, but just the same you have to sniffle like some old hen about it. You ought to know, but you don't, of course, that I am a fairly good actress in such cases. You never will find that out, I s'pose. I enjoyed part of that affair, but I didn't like all of it, of course. And I can't see what real danger there could be to a woman - wait now - I mean more than there'd be to a man, if she carried a revolver in a convenient place. Honey child, I'm not really afraid of anything on earth, honest I'm not, except flies and spiders. They are the only things, but I'm enough afraid of either of them to make up for all the rest. (Just at this critical place a bug crawled over my bare foot and I almost upset my chair getting my feet up.) Dearest, because you know best, and because you are my husband and because I despise the
World War I Diaries and Letters