Conger Reynolds correspondence, May 1918
1918-05-27 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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PM 5/27/18 Dearest,- You are mistaken. This is not purple ink! It is black. Are we quite settled as to that? Well then, to continue,-- I have just come up from Sunday night lunch, which consists mainly of a prayer. Ordinarily I am hungry Sunday nights but this one is the ausnahme. Today being our baccalaureate Sunday we had lots of company and several
PM 5/27/18 Dearest,- You are mistaken. This is not purple ink! It is black. Are we quite settled as to that? Well then, to continue,-- I have just come up from Sunday night lunch, which consists mainly of a prayer. Ordinarily I am hungry Sunday nights but this one is the ausnahme. Today being our baccalaureate Sunday we had lots of company and several
World War I Diaries and Letters