Conger Reynolds correspondence, August 1918
1918-08-06 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 5
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own experiences on the other side. That was a wonderful time. I've realized it more and more since it is all over and done with. Somehow I simply swallowed things whole then, and I've been digesting them ever since. I'm sending you Bob Blackburn's address because I promised his mother I would. I don't suppose you'll ever have a chance to meet him, but I know you'd be glad to do anything you could for him because they've been so sweet to me. Robert I've never met, but
own experiences on the other side. That was a wonderful time. I've realized it more and more since it is all over and done with. Somehow I simply swallowed things whole then, and I've been digesting them ever since. I'm sending you Bob Blackburn's address because I promised his mother I would. I don't suppose you'll ever have a chance to meet him, but I know you'd be glad to do anything you could for him because they've been so sweet to me. Robert I've never met, but
World War I Diaries and Letters