Conger Reynolds correspondence, August 1918
1918-08-10 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 3
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their recent progress toward Christian Endeavor conduct continues. While I was there as an instructor I had to run away every once in awhile to keep from getting too good. Life got very dull there at times. It will be quite different, though, for you and me together. We'll have each other to entertain and a place in which we can entertain others -- people we like. The scarcity of good shows and other features of city life will not matter so much as it did to me alone. The town is full of lovely homes; it's a good place in which to have a home. And the country round about is pretty. There are woods and winding roads and the river -- the river that generation after generation of students has played on and in, and written romances and poems about.
their recent progress toward Christian Endeavor conduct continues. While I was there as an instructor I had to run away every once in awhile to keep from getting too good. Life got very dull there at times. It will be quite different, though, for you and me together. We'll have each other to entertain and a place in which we can entertain others -- people we like. The scarcity of good shows and other features of city life will not matter so much as it did to me alone. The town is full of lovely homes; it's a good place in which to have a home. And the country round about is pretty. There are woods and winding roads and the river -- the river that generation after generation of students has played on and in, and written romances and poems about.
World War I Diaries and Letters