Conger Reynolds correspondence, August 1918
1918-08-16 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 2
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days, partly because I've been rushing madly from one thing to another, but mostly because I was skeered you might read between lines. I didn't want to confess even to myself, how fearful I really was over hopping right down kerplunk into the midst of my newly acquired "kinfolk", but all my uneasiness faded into thin air when I saw Julie & Fred on the station platform. Oddly enough, some imp prompted me to sneak to the end of the line, so that they'd have to wait and speculate as to which couple might be the right one. There were so many curious people in the coach, so it was really lots of fun to watch Julie's face thru the window. If she had once looked my way I'd have made a face at her so she'd have been sure what was coming. I expected to find the entire Clan at home waiting, and I gulped rather nervously
days, partly because I've been rushing madly from one thing to another, but mostly because I was skeered you might read between lines. I didn't want to confess even to myself, how fearful I really was over hopping right down kerplunk into the midst of my newly acquired "kinfolk", but all my uneasiness faded into thin air when I saw Julie & Fred on the station platform. Oddly enough, some imp prompted me to sneak to the end of the line, so that they'd have to wait and speculate as to which couple might be the right one. There were so many curious people in the coach, so it was really lots of fun to watch Julie's face thru the window. If she had once looked my way I'd have made a face at her so she'd have been sure what was coming. I expected to find the entire Clan at home waiting, and I gulped rather nervously
World War I Diaries and Letters