Conger Reynolds correspondence, August 1918
1918-08-19 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 2
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teasing me, and so have they all, for that matter. They are planning to do dreadful things to us when you came back, but Julie has one nice plan in mind, that we might care to consider, and that is letting us take care of her house for a coupla weeks while she and Fred go off some where on a visit. Of course that was merely a suggestion, and not to be seriously considered until we know more certainly wots wot. I had a nice visit with Ernest yesterday. The whole gang went for a car ride to see the city, and Ernest took John and me with him. The others went with a Mr. Somebody that I don't know, but I was so glad to have the ride with Ernest. He is splendid, I think, and we nearly talked each other's arms off. John and I have a terrific case. We have lotsa secrets that we wont tell anyone but you. Aren't you impressed? I should think so!!
teasing me, and so have they all, for that matter. They are planning to do dreadful things to us when you came back, but Julie has one nice plan in mind, that we might care to consider, and that is letting us take care of her house for a coupla weeks while she and Fred go off some where on a visit. Of course that was merely a suggestion, and not to be seriously considered until we know more certainly wots wot. I had a nice visit with Ernest yesterday. The whole gang went for a car ride to see the city, and Ernest took John and me with him. The others went with a Mr. Somebody that I don't know, but I was so glad to have the ride with Ernest. He is splendid, I think, and we nearly talked each other's arms off. John and I have a terrific case. We have lotsa secrets that we wont tell anyone but you. Aren't you impressed? I should think so!!
World War I Diaries and Letters