Conger Reynolds correspondence, August 1918
1918-08-19 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 4
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difficult undertaking. Tonight brought us two Spanish journalists. They were delightful guests at dinner. One spoke excellent English. Being blond, he seemed more like and Englishman than a Frenchman. He told us many, many interesting things about Spain and about international affairs. The other chap was younger and very much the type we think of as Spanish. He was big and soft and dark. One could readily imagine him using his handsome eyes to fascinate a senorita and serenading her from beneath a balcony, but likely as not he's married to someone he never serenaded and not at all a gay Lothario. His English consists of "Thank you", many times repeated.
difficult undertaking. Tonight brought us two Spanish journalists. They were delightful guests at dinner. One spoke excellent English. Being blond, he seemed more like and Englishman than a Frenchman. He told us many, many interesting things about Spain and about international affairs. The other chap was younger and very much the type we think of as Spanish. He was big and soft and dark. One could readily imagine him using his handsome eyes to fascinate a senorita and serenading her from beneath a balcony, but likely as not he's married to someone he never serenaded and not at all a gay Lothario. His English consists of "Thank you", many times repeated.
World War I Diaries and Letters