Conger Reynolds correspondence, August 1918
1918-08-20 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 1
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145 20 August, 1918. Dearest Wiffles,- It is evident to me from what Julie says in a letter just come from her that I anticipated your arrival in Cedar Rapids. Several of my letters must have reached there ahead of you and probably my cable of the 4th did too. But certainly you are there now, - and I hope having a joyful time. What an annoying thing this war is to keep me away from the party. Of course there is very grave danger that it will not go well at all without me - not. But you will admit that it would be improved by my attendance, woncha? Aw, please do, Steve?
145 20 August, 1918. Dearest Wiffles,- It is evident to me from what Julie says in a letter just come from her that I anticipated your arrival in Cedar Rapids. Several of my letters must have reached there ahead of you and probably my cable of the 4th did too. But certainly you are there now, - and I hope having a joyful time. What an annoying thing this war is to keep me away from the party. Of course there is very grave danger that it will not go well at all without me - not. But you will admit that it would be improved by my attendance, woncha? Aw, please do, Steve?
World War I Diaries and Letters