Conger Reynolds correspondence, August 1918
1918-08-21 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 1
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146 21 August, 1918. Sweetheart,- For several minutes I have been fussing around wondering whether I had enough force left to write you a letter. One of your letters has decided me. It begins, "I'm sitting up all tired I'm mos' nigh daid." And then you went ahead and wrote three sheets full. If you could do that for me when you were tired I'd better try to get up something tonight to show you that I love you. This is one of the nights when I begin without being in the mood for writing. I could take you into my arms and talk to you by whispered words and kisses and I would much rather do
146 21 August, 1918. Sweetheart,- For several minutes I have been fussing around wondering whether I had enough force left to write you a letter. One of your letters has decided me. It begins, "I'm sitting up all tired I'm mos' nigh daid." And then you went ahead and wrote three sheets full. If you could do that for me when you were tired I'd better try to get up something tonight to show you that I love you. This is one of the nights when I begin without being in the mood for writing. I could take you into my arms and talk to you by whispered words and kisses and I would much rather do
World War I Diaries and Letters