Conger Reynolds correspondence, August 1918
1918-08-28 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 5
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rent of the blooming place is $40.00 which is about fifteen more than I wanted to pay. I find rent is fearfully high here, and it is almost impossible to get a place that is at all reasonable. We've nearly walked our legs off hunting houses or apartments. The only thing we can get in an apartment is up on the second floor, and it would be impossible to get my piano up there. Another drawback to an apartment is that they often object to piano practice, and if I expect to teach, of course I'd better have a private place. This house is very pretty, and is nicely furnished. The dining room furniture is ideal. It is old fashioned mahog, with a dull finish. There is a piano that will do for technic and save mine to
rent of the blooming place is $40.00 which is about fifteen more than I wanted to pay. I find rent is fearfully high here, and it is almost impossible to get a place that is at all reasonable. We've nearly walked our legs off hunting houses or apartments. The only thing we can get in an apartment is up on the second floor, and it would be impossible to get my piano up there. Another drawback to an apartment is that they often object to piano practice, and if I expect to teach, of course I'd better have a private place. This house is very pretty, and is nicely furnished. The dining room furniture is ideal. It is old fashioned mahog, with a dull finish. There is a piano that will do for technic and save mine to
World War I Diaries and Letters