Conger Reynolds correspondence, August 1918
1918-08-29 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 3
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I had walked out that way -- almost since I had taken a walk at all. Indeed it is over two months. The brook was clear as glass and drifting along very quietly over rifts of grass in its bed and through rushes and under lily pads. Under the bridge a kiddie was paddling barefooted and farther up some larger boys, stripped but for trunks were kicking and splashing in a swimmin' hole, and talking and yelling much as I can remember my pals and I used to do in the days of real sport. Betwixt and beyond, the eternal Ike Waltons were angling, though for what I can't imagine. I saw thousands of minnows but nothing larger. Upstream aways I found a place where the water was purring over a string of
I had walked out that way -- almost since I had taken a walk at all. Indeed it is over two months. The brook was clear as glass and drifting along very quietly over rifts of grass in its bed and through rushes and under lily pads. Under the bridge a kiddie was paddling barefooted and farther up some larger boys, stripped but for trunks were kicking and splashing in a swimmin' hole, and talking and yelling much as I can remember my pals and I used to do in the days of real sport. Betwixt and beyond, the eternal Ike Waltons were angling, though for what I can't imagine. I saw thousands of minnows but nothing larger. Upstream aways I found a place where the water was purring over a string of
World War I Diaries and Letters