Conger Reynolds correspondence, August 1918
1918-08-29 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 6
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home and she is charming. I had another little note today from Norris, one he had written June 29 but which had gone to Washington and been censored before it came here. It left Washington July 30, which is later than any mail I've had from you. So I'm expecting new letters tomorrow or next day. I wonder if you really know how deeply I'm in love with you. You must have guessed at part of it by this time, though. I have hinted the fact that I'm fond of you several times. If I could only steal a pretty kiss -- or receive one unawares! Every bit yours, Con. Conger Reynolds 2nd Lt AGD
home and she is charming. I had another little note today from Norris, one he had written June 29 but which had gone to Washington and been censored before it came here. It left Washington July 30, which is later than any mail I've had from you. So I'm expecting new letters tomorrow or next day. I wonder if you really know how deeply I'm in love with you. You must have guessed at part of it by this time, though. I have hinted the fact that I'm fond of you several times. If I could only steal a pretty kiss -- or receive one unawares! Every bit yours, Con. Conger Reynolds 2nd Lt AGD
World War I Diaries and Letters