Conger Reynolds correspondence, August 1918
1918-08-30 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 5
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whom I've kept that a secret. (Har! Har!) I suppose I shouldn't have told you because you'll keep strict count of your hose now. But I'm forgetting Dame Burton! She is an old maid, and must be in her sixties. Her mother is the prettiest little old thing. Her face reminds me of a clear cut, highly colored cameo. But they are both rather childish, and it would drive me to drink if I had to live there. Of course we couldn't consider it if Helen came, because there are only two rooms available. The main drawback is that we'd have to use their kitchen with them. Mama did that in K.C. with Miss Smith but wow! I couldn't!! I'm full up of having strangers around. I want my rooms to myself, where I can do as I like. If I want to sit on the piano and smoke my pipe, I want to do it undisturbed.
whom I've kept that a secret. (Har! Har!) I suppose I shouldn't have told you because you'll keep strict count of your hose now. But I'm forgetting Dame Burton! She is an old maid, and must be in her sixties. Her mother is the prettiest little old thing. Her face reminds me of a clear cut, highly colored cameo. But they are both rather childish, and it would drive me to drink if I had to live there. Of course we couldn't consider it if Helen came, because there are only two rooms available. The main drawback is that we'd have to use their kitchen with them. Mama did that in K.C. with Miss Smith but wow! I couldn't!! I'm full up of having strangers around. I want my rooms to myself, where I can do as I like. If I want to sit on the piano and smoke my pipe, I want to do it undisturbed.
World War I Diaries and Letters