Conger Reynolds correspondence, August 1918
1918-08-31 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 2
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came you regained your sweet disposition. One was not really a letter but pictures 'n explanations. These were very, very, welcome. I give you a kiss right out in the open for sending them. Came this afternoon also a cable from Ernest saying "Love Congratulations your anniversary from clan." I presume that our being in Cedar Rapids caused the cable to be sent, for I don't fancy my brother's remembering that a given day was the eighth monthly anniversary of the big doin's. Further I interpret his sending congratulations as meaning definitely that, after giving you the o.o. he couldn't restrain offering me congratulations on my good luck. Plainly he and the rest of the "clan" have been properly awed by your superior personality and have been impelled to endorse my judgment. They think I chose you: I have never told them that our marrying was inevitable (chuckle! chuckle!) My newer mother's delightful letter came yesterday and one from my mother of some years came today. So I am not badly treated for the time being, though heaven knows I waited long enough and probably shall have to make these last a long
came you regained your sweet disposition. One was not really a letter but pictures 'n explanations. These were very, very, welcome. I give you a kiss right out in the open for sending them. Came this afternoon also a cable from Ernest saying "Love Congratulations your anniversary from clan." I presume that our being in Cedar Rapids caused the cable to be sent, for I don't fancy my brother's remembering that a given day was the eighth monthly anniversary of the big doin's. Further I interpret his sending congratulations as meaning definitely that, after giving you the o.o. he couldn't restrain offering me congratulations on my good luck. Plainly he and the rest of the "clan" have been properly awed by your superior personality and have been impelled to endorse my judgment. They think I chose you: I have never told them that our marrying was inevitable (chuckle! chuckle!) My newer mother's delightful letter came yesterday and one from my mother of some years came today. So I am not badly treated for the time being, though heaven knows I waited long enough and probably shall have to make these last a long
World War I Diaries and Letters