Edna Griffin's FBI file, April 1948-October 1951
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OM 100-4095 [ ] advised that on the night of [ ] a meeting of the Des Moines Branch of the Communist Party was held at the home of [ ] Those in attendance were as follows: EDNA GRIFFIN , [ ] and a [ ] first name unknown. b2 b7C b7D According to [ ] various members of the Party had previously been furnished copies of pamphlets furnished by the Communist Party which are anti-Marshall Plan and they were supposed to discuss this topic at the meeting. However, inasmuch as none of them has read the pamphlets, the evening was more or less devoted to the discussion of the Wallace for President Movement. EDNA GRIFFIN who is on the Wallace for President Movement Committee in Iowa, which headquarters at the Plaza Hotel in Des Moines, Iowa, advised that none of the Committee members had very much money and that they were obliged to make personal contributions. She also advised that the Committee was having trouble finding a former business associate or friend of WALLACE of some prominence in town to introduce him when he makes his talk in Des Moines at the KRNT Radio Theater on April 28, 1948. Each member of the Party, according to [ ] are supposed to be active in selling tickets to this radio lecture to be held by WALLACE on April 28, 1948 at the KRNT Radio Theater. Members of the Party were also furnished with pamphlets which advocate WALLACE for President and which are to be distributed from home to home. These pamphlets and tickets were supplied to the members by EDNA GRIFFIN and [ ] is also a member of the Wallace for President Committee. Information was later received from Dean GEORGE BERRY of Drake University that EDNA had approached him relative to selling tickets for the WALLACE speech on the Drake University campus. It will be noted that this speech was hold on the night of April 28, 1948 and approximately twelve or thirteen hundred people were present. STANLEY GRIFFIN was an usher at this KRNT Radio Theater WALLACE speech. [ ] advised that the next meeting of the Communist Party of Des Moines, Iowa, is scheduled for the first part of May and that it will be held in the home of STANLEY and EDNA GRIFFIN. b2 b7D -4-
OM 100-4095 [ ] advised that on the night of [ ] a meeting of the Des Moines Branch of the Communist Party was held at the home of [ ] Those in attendance were as follows: EDNA GRIFFIN , [ ] and a [ ] first name unknown. b2 b7C b7D According to [ ] various members of the Party had previously been furnished copies of pamphlets furnished by the Communist Party which are anti-Marshall Plan and they were supposed to discuss this topic at the meeting. However, inasmuch as none of them has read the pamphlets, the evening was more or less devoted to the discussion of the Wallace for President Movement. EDNA GRIFFIN who is on the Wallace for President Movement Committee in Iowa, which headquarters at the Plaza Hotel in Des Moines, Iowa, advised that none of the Committee members had very much money and that they were obliged to make personal contributions. She also advised that the Committee was having trouble finding a former business associate or friend of WALLACE of some prominence in town to introduce him when he makes his talk in Des Moines at the KRNT Radio Theater on April 28, 1948. Each member of the Party, according to [ ] are supposed to be active in selling tickets to this radio lecture to be held by WALLACE on April 28, 1948 at the KRNT Radio Theater. Members of the Party were also furnished with pamphlets which advocate WALLACE for President and which are to be distributed from home to home. These pamphlets and tickets were supplied to the members by EDNA GRIFFIN and [ ] is also a member of the Wallace for President Committee. Information was later received from Dean GEORGE BERRY of Drake University that EDNA had approached him relative to selling tickets for the WALLACE speech on the Drake University campus. It will be noted that this speech was hold on the night of April 28, 1948 and approximately twelve or thirteen hundred people were present. STANLEY GRIFFIN was an usher at this KRNT Radio Theater WALLACE speech. [ ] advised that the next meeting of the Communist Party of Des Moines, Iowa, is scheduled for the first part of May and that it will be held in the home of STANLEY and EDNA GRIFFIN. b2 b7D -4-
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