"The Dandridge Family History" original manuscript, 1971
Page 12
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David Tra but the boat was going North He had a bad because the Slave master and The South were angry about the slaves being taken away from Them. The old boat mate and Captain killed about 15 ex Slaves on that trip pitch of(off) in the and He said when He got in Saint Louis He got off the boat as He did not no(know) where He was He meet(met) a Colord(colored) man and ask Him was This a slave state He told Him yes so He ran and got back on the boat as He Had made up His mind He would take chance on death than to Stop in a Slave State but He was getting tired as He Heard the Captain say He would kill all of the negros.
David Tra but the boat was going North He had a bad because the Slave master and The South were angry about the slaves being taken away from Them. The old boat mate and Captain killed about 15 ex Slaves on that trip pitch of(off) in the and He said when He got in Saint Louis He got off the boat as He did not no(know) where He was He meet(met) a Colord(colored) man and ask Him was This a slave state He told Him yes so He ran and got back on the boat as He Had made up His mind He would take chance on death than to Stop in a Slave State but He was getting tired as He Heard the Captain say He would kill all of the negros.
Campus Culture