"The Dandridge Family History" original manuscript, 1971
Page 25
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25 kindness ruled with a Iron Hand talked Just once and it was final When Rosa Dandridge was 16 she was working in Keokuk doeing House Work Rosa was all ways Adventurer and wanted to leave Home she often said she was looking for better fields so she wanted to go to Ottumwa but she Knew if she told Her mother she would not let Her go so she left Keokuk and went wrote Her mother right away Matilda wrote Her lecture to Her but did not write Her to Come Home but Her oldest daughter Rhoda Danbridge Harper who was up set about Rosa goeing to Ottumwa up their by Her self at that age told Her mother she was goeing after her
25 kindness ruled with a Iron Hand talked Just once and it was final When Rosa Dandridge was 16 she was working in Keokuk doeing House Work Rosa was all ways Adventurer and wanted to leave Home she often said she was looking for better fields so she wanted to go to Ottumwa but she Knew if she told Her mother she would not let Her go so she left Keokuk and went wrote Her mother right away Matilda wrote Her lecture to Her but did not write Her to Come Home but Her oldest daughter Rhoda Danbridge Harper who was up set about Rosa goeing to Ottumwa up their by Her self at that age told Her mother she was goeing after her
Campus Culture