"The Dandridge Family History" original manuscript, 1971
Page 43
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43 all He Had in the world so He owed five hundred and 26 dollars on His farm He took His money and payed off His mortage on his farm and Came Home with His deed to the farm He stood outside His door and said I thank God. I was born a slave Could never read or write was 23 years old when slavery ended and I now Have home of my Home and I stand before my God and man I Have never did a disHonest Act Have Worked Hard with my Hands my concius is clear Ever dollar that I Have payed on this farm is fare and square then Ruffus Had prayer He was a great Reliougs man and He lived that life.
43 all He Had in the world so He owed five hundred and 26 dollars on His farm He took His money and payed off His mortage on his farm and Came Home with His deed to the farm He stood outside His door and said I thank God. I was born a slave Could never read or write was 23 years old when slavery ended and I now Have home of my Home and I stand before my God and man I Have never did a disHonest Act Have Worked Hard with my Hands my concius is clear Ever dollar that I Have payed on this farm is fare and square then Ruffus Had prayer He was a great Reliougs man and He lived that life.
Campus Culture