Reuben Gaines' memoir, undated
Page 16
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PAGE 16. Buxton. front shield down so in talking I had laid the lines down and the team started moving forward on their own and in the dark I reached for the lines and could not find them. The horses started running and since I no longer had any control I jumped out. They were headed for home and when they got to the bridge they had their momentom up for it took about two seconds flat for them to cross over the bridge; then they made a sharp turn to the right and a half block father another 90 degree turn to get into the Barn yard and then kept circuling around the Barn until my father heard this commotion and came out of the house to see what it was and found that they had stopped because the lines had gotten all tangled up in the wheels and they could not move another foot forward. The only damage was one line had to be cut to get them free again. I did not know what day of the week it was but it was a nice sunshine day and the miners were not working and were celebrating something. The band was on parade through town and in their wake followed some lodge fraternities.. The occassion was no funeral but in Buxton you did not need anything special for there were celebrations and parad through town constantly. On this day they were marching east in front of the Company store and the Armstrong Meat Market. People were lined up on each side of the road as the band marched by. With the band and lodges moving forward the people also started moving around when a school teachers was going from the Compan store toward the meat market she lost her unmentionables and since no one can walk with hobbles around their ankles she stooped down; stepped out; picked them up; placed them in her pocket book and was on her merry way. Her husband was a professional man for I knew them quite well. At another time the same thing happened to a middle age woman almost at the same place but under different circumstances. Jiggy Jones died in the stairway in one of the company houses. implicated in some manner were Deets Boston and George Garland. In the night club we always had "Ladies Night". during which time the women and men would adorn themselves in their very best and there would be Music and dancing and a limited amount of drinks would be passed around. Once in a while cards would be played and prizes would be given. The Miners Union met in the Y M C A and the official that was in charge of the funds about $700.00 dollars at this time said he was robbed between the Company store, Buchanan and Mr. Steel were on a Hand Car with a motor attache and the train was coming; George Buchanan jumped free as the train approached
PAGE 16. Buxton. front shield down so in talking I had laid the lines down and the team started moving forward on their own and in the dark I reached for the lines and could not find them. The horses started running and since I no longer had any control I jumped out. They were headed for home and when they got to the bridge they had their momentom up for it took about two seconds flat for them to cross over the bridge; then they made a sharp turn to the right and a half block father another 90 degree turn to get into the Barn yard and then kept circuling around the Barn until my father heard this commotion and came out of the house to see what it was and found that they had stopped because the lines had gotten all tangled up in the wheels and they could not move another foot forward. The only damage was one line had to be cut to get them free again. I did not know what day of the week it was but it was a nice sunshine day and the miners were not working and were celebrating something. The band was on parade through town and in their wake followed some lodge fraternities.. The occassion was no funeral but in Buxton you did not need anything special for there were celebrations and parad through town constantly. On this day they were marching east in front of the Company store and the Armstrong Meat Market. People were lined up on each side of the road as the band marched by. With the band and lodges moving forward the people also started moving around when a school teachers was going from the Compan store toward the meat market she lost her unmentionables and since no one can walk with hobbles around their ankles she stooped down; stepped out; picked them up; placed them in her pocket book and was on her merry way. Her husband was a professional man for I knew them quite well. At another time the same thing happened to a middle age woman almost at the same place but under different circumstances. Jiggy Jones died in the stairway in one of the company houses. implicated in some manner were Deets Boston and George Garland. In the night club we always had "Ladies Night". during which time the women and men would adorn themselves in their very best and there would be Music and dancing and a limited amount of drinks would be passed around. Once in a while cards would be played and prizes would be given. The Miners Union met in the Y M C A and the official that was in charge of the funds about $700.00 dollars at this time said he was robbed between the Company store, Buchanan and Mr. Steel were on a Hand Car with a motor attache and the train was coming; George Buchanan jumped free as the train approached
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