Conger Reynolds correspondence, October 1918
1918-10-16 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 1
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181 October 16, 1918. My Darlingest,-- Tonight finds me in a hotel back in the city from which I departed some three weeks ago. I am here on a little errand. I came over this afternoon by train, which I must say was more comfortable than driving in an automobile and also rather interesting inasmuch as, in all my travelling, it was the first time since last February that I had gone by train. My original intention was to return tonight by a train leaving at 8:30, but at the last moment I decided to get a room and spend the night
181 October 16, 1918. My Darlingest,-- Tonight finds me in a hotel back in the city from which I departed some three weeks ago. I am here on a little errand. I came over this afternoon by train, which I must say was more comfortable than driving in an automobile and also rather interesting inasmuch as, in all my travelling, it was the first time since last February that I had gone by train. My original intention was to return tonight by a train leaving at 8:30, but at the last moment I decided to get a room and spend the night
World War I Diaries and Letters