Conger Reynolds correspondence, October 1918
1918-10-16 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 3
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left on duty here. He's a good chap -- a Frenchman by birth but American by naturalization. Before the war he was assistant professor of French at Columbia University. In 1914 he gave up his job and joined the French army as a private in the infantry. He only recently got his commission after working slowly upward in years of hard campaigning. I have brought along some of my treasures -- letters from you -- to entertain myself with in spare moments, which are more than when I'm driving away in the office. Just now I have been reading your wonderful confession about kisses. It's my turn now. I remember how I
left on duty here. He's a good chap -- a Frenchman by birth but American by naturalization. Before the war he was assistant professor of French at Columbia University. In 1914 he gave up his job and joined the French army as a private in the infantry. He only recently got his commission after working slowly upward in years of hard campaigning. I have brought along some of my treasures -- letters from you -- to entertain myself with in spare moments, which are more than when I'm driving away in the office. Just now I have been reading your wonderful confession about kisses. It's my turn now. I remember how I
World War I Diaries and Letters