Conger Reynolds correspondence, October 1918
1918-10-16 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 5
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It was the magic of love working to the fullest extent. How you made my blood race and my nerves tingle and my emotions leap to heights of joy by the glorious love that your kiss expressed! Dearest, tell me solemnly that you'll always want me to kiss you and never be satisfied, and always return kisses such as you have taught me. We can never now make up for those we have lost because we'll never be able to keep delivery equal to the demand, but we can know much happiness in our efforts to make manifestation express feeling. If you have the slightest qualms of conscience about what you did to "the other man," my belovedest, you should calm them. I take all responsibility for what happened to him. It really was I
It was the magic of love working to the fullest extent. How you made my blood race and my nerves tingle and my emotions leap to heights of joy by the glorious love that your kiss expressed! Dearest, tell me solemnly that you'll always want me to kiss you and never be satisfied, and always return kisses such as you have taught me. We can never now make up for those we have lost because we'll never be able to keep delivery equal to the demand, but we can know much happiness in our efforts to make manifestation express feeling. If you have the slightest qualms of conscience about what you did to "the other man," my belovedest, you should calm them. I take all responsibility for what happened to him. It really was I
World War I Diaries and Letters