Conger Reynolds correspondence, October 1918
1918-10-23 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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October 23 1918 My Very Dearest,-- I'm going out for a walk, I am! At least that was the word passed around an hour ago. I don't really take much stock in it until I see myself started, because they've been kidding me along for three days. Every time i've insisted on getting out Ernest has brought on a cold wave, or else Mama has made it rain, and I've stayed home & cussed the whole family from A-to-Z.
October 23 1918 My Very Dearest,-- I'm going out for a walk, I am! At least that was the word passed around an hour ago. I don't really take much stock in it until I see myself started, because they've been kidding me along for three days. Every time i've insisted on getting out Ernest has brought on a cold wave, or else Mama has made it rain, and I've stayed home & cussed the whole family from A-to-Z.
World War I Diaries and Letters