Conger Reynolds correspondence, October 1918
1918-10-26 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 6
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W. Heluva Vampire thing where I took to wearing men's sox and garters in hot weather and in swimming. And another time, when I asked you how you fastened on your "putts," I'd the idea that I was acting like regular old married folks. I was really awfully shocked at myself for asking and at you for showing me. Funny, aren't it? I'll recover tho, in the course of time, I hope.
W. Heluva Vampire thing where I took to wearing men's sox and garters in hot weather and in swimming. And another time, when I asked you how you fastened on your "putts," I'd the idea that I was acting like regular old married folks. I was really awfully shocked at myself for asking and at you for showing me. Funny, aren't it? I'll recover tho, in the course of time, I hope.
World War I Diaries and Letters