Conger Reynolds correspondence, October 1918
1918-10-26 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 8
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so he tormented "Lemo" all day. He stayed for lunch and then we sat around swapping dectective yarns. I really was getting anxious to get busy on a letter to you, but Malen is a dear, and I love him heaps. Yesterday I tried to send you a cable but because of the Flu it was out of the question. I hope you aren't worried when the letters fail to come -- not too much. I could kill Emil for sending you those pictures. I can't see any joke to it at all. He has a sense of humor that is entirely Norwegian, and I'd never have been in those silly, disgusting things if I'd dreamed anyone was to see them. I didn't take any of the films just because they were so silly. And you -- if you dare to encourage him in any
so he tormented "Lemo" all day. He stayed for lunch and then we sat around swapping dectective yarns. I really was getting anxious to get busy on a letter to you, but Malen is a dear, and I love him heaps. Yesterday I tried to send you a cable but because of the Flu it was out of the question. I hope you aren't worried when the letters fail to come -- not too much. I could kill Emil for sending you those pictures. I can't see any joke to it at all. He has a sense of humor that is entirely Norwegian, and I'd never have been in those silly, disgusting things if I'd dreamed anyone was to see them. I didn't take any of the films just because they were so silly. And you -- if you dare to encourage him in any
World War I Diaries and Letters