Conger Reynolds correspondence, October 1918
1918-10-30 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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Oct 30, 1918. Boy howdy! I've been abusing you scan'lus again. Two whole days since I've written you, but you must know that one just recovering from the "Flu" can't do many things per day. I've been poking huge gobs of long division down Helen's neck because she doesn't seem to know how to do it. Funny how a kid could stagger along as far as fractions in her be-muddled condition. She has taken all my time, strength and patience for two days, but today I gave
Oct 30, 1918. Boy howdy! I've been abusing you scan'lus again. Two whole days since I've written you, but you must know that one just recovering from the "Flu" can't do many things per day. I've been poking huge gobs of long division down Helen's neck because she doesn't seem to know how to do it. Funny how a kid could stagger along as far as fractions in her be-muddled condition. She has taken all my time, strength and patience for two days, but today I gave
World War I Diaries and Letters