Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-03 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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Sunday, Nov. 3rd '18. My Very Dearest,-- It's all very well for you to write such nice things about me because my letters have been reaching you so regularly, but I'm right sure you've been thinking along other lines lately. I haven't written you for three whole days, and this thing is happening too often for my own good, I'm afraid. You'll be worrying; then you'll be getting peeved, and then along will come a
Sunday, Nov. 3rd '18. My Very Dearest,-- It's all very well for you to write such nice things about me because my letters have been reaching you so regularly, but I'm right sure you've been thinking along other lines lately. I haven't written you for three whole days, and this thing is happening too often for my own good, I'm afraid. You'll be worrying; then you'll be getting peeved, and then along will come a
World War I Diaries and Letters