Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-03 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 3
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goblins, n' everything. We did lots of stunts that folks allers do at such parties. When they first came we assembled in the reception hall and held Ghost Court. Mama and I were on the "landing" acting as judges, and one by one we tried, convicted and sentenced the folks to some idiotic kind of sentence. It was a huge joke to hear Fred sing a "Perfect Day," to Ernest's accompaniment, and Martha and Julie gave us the
goblins, n' everything. We did lots of stunts that folks allers do at such parties. When they first came we assembled in the reception hall and held Ghost Court. Mama and I were on the "landing" acting as judges, and one by one we tried, convicted and sentenced the folks to some idiotic kind of sentence. It was a huge joke to hear Fred sing a "Perfect Day," to Ernest's accompaniment, and Martha and Julie gave us the
World War I Diaries and Letters