Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-03 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 8
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key holes, under rugs, behind the piano and -- oh -- everywhere. I watched Ernest and nearly killed myself laughing. His string led from the reception hall round and round the legs of the dining room table, and thru the butler's pantry. Here he decided it followed the chains to the furnace so he leaned against the swinging door to consider the matter. The door hooks at the bottom, but when he leaned on it, it unhooked, swung back and cracked him on the head. He muttered something that I didn't catch and stooped to hook it. Here came the rub. That door is a temperamental thing and it must be in the proper mood to be hooked. Ernest worked fully fifteen minutes and then, for the first time, I heard him cuss. I exploded and then he saw me. When he had recovered his good nature he fixed the door, and then followed his string up the back stairs. I don't remember just where he landed, but it was some place in the bath room. We had apples hanging in the door
key holes, under rugs, behind the piano and -- oh -- everywhere. I watched Ernest and nearly killed myself laughing. His string led from the reception hall round and round the legs of the dining room table, and thru the butler's pantry. Here he decided it followed the chains to the furnace so he leaned against the swinging door to consider the matter. The door hooks at the bottom, but when he leaned on it, it unhooked, swung back and cracked him on the head. He muttered something that I didn't catch and stooped to hook it. Here came the rub. That door is a temperamental thing and it must be in the proper mood to be hooked. Ernest worked fully fifteen minutes and then, for the first time, I heard him cuss. I exploded and then he saw me. When he had recovered his good nature he fixed the door, and then followed his string up the back stairs. I don't remember just where he landed, but it was some place in the bath room. We had apples hanging in the door
World War I Diaries and Letters