Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-04 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 2
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particular the matter, but what started things was this: while I was preparing the meat loaf, I suddenly remembered that you'd said you knew I could cook, in one of your letters. Some yap has evidently told you that, but I can't, anyway! And because I know you think I can I began to be all skeered n' everything and then I sat on the back stairs and wep'. Ain't that funny? Yeh. I'm not crying any more but my eyes hurt and I need someone to say I'm their necessary evil. I wouldn't care much whether it was your dress- or undress suit if I could have my head on the shoulder of it. Which reminds me that the other night as the folks were leaving Malen stepped up beside me to show that we are the same height and immediately Ernest remarked, "Yes, it won't be long before her head will fit into the hollow of his shoulder, too." That man is getting too cute. Malen is working for an occulist and is wild about the work. Ernest is going to quit his job because he has a
particular the matter, but what started things was this: while I was preparing the meat loaf, I suddenly remembered that you'd said you knew I could cook, in one of your letters. Some yap has evidently told you that, but I can't, anyway! And because I know you think I can I began to be all skeered n' everything and then I sat on the back stairs and wep'. Ain't that funny? Yeh. I'm not crying any more but my eyes hurt and I need someone to say I'm their necessary evil. I wouldn't care much whether it was your dress- or undress suit if I could have my head on the shoulder of it. Which reminds me that the other night as the folks were leaving Malen stepped up beside me to show that we are the same height and immediately Ernest remarked, "Yes, it won't be long before her head will fit into the hollow of his shoulder, too." That man is getting too cute. Malen is working for an occulist and is wild about the work. Ernest is going to quit his job because he has a
World War I Diaries and Letters