Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-08 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 6
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about chattering and speculating, and I suppose even when it does come I shan't burn any incense or shoot up any fire works. I shall simply wait for you to come back to me, delovedest, and when I once more feel the power of your love and the wonder of your kiss, I shall forget all the lonely months of waiting. Conger dear, why do you say you'll not "bore" me with your experiences over there? Of course you'll not bore me, but you'll certainly not keep them all to yourself will you dear? I know from
about chattering and speculating, and I suppose even when it does come I shan't burn any incense or shoot up any fire works. I shall simply wait for you to come back to me, delovedest, and when I once more feel the power of your love and the wonder of your kiss, I shall forget all the lonely months of waiting. Conger dear, why do you say you'll not "bore" me with your experiences over there? Of course you'll not bore me, but you'll certainly not keep them all to yourself will you dear? I know from
World War I Diaries and Letters