Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-13 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 5
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it was some job to get down there. The streets are simply filled and not only the business district, either. The noise out here is something terrific. I've heard only one real tune played by a band and that was "Hot time." They play all the time, but each player is composing something in the ultra modern line. Every place of business is closed, and every car, truck and even wheelbarrow is decorated and squeezing up and down the streets. To the most beautiful cars are tied wash tubs, boilers, or tin cans and people are crowded in them (the cars) on top of them and even out on the hoods. I've seen four Kaisers tied to various things and being shot to pieces. One was tied to a scavenger's wagon, and that seemed to please the crowd. Even the kids on wheels have dish pans trailing
it was some job to get down there. The streets are simply filled and not only the business district, either. The noise out here is something terrific. I've heard only one real tune played by a band and that was "Hot time." They play all the time, but each player is composing something in the ultra modern line. Every place of business is closed, and every car, truck and even wheelbarrow is decorated and squeezing up and down the streets. To the most beautiful cars are tied wash tubs, boilers, or tin cans and people are crowded in them (the cars) on top of them and even out on the hoods. I've seen four Kaisers tied to various things and being shot to pieces. One was tied to a scavenger's wagon, and that seemed to please the crowd. Even the kids on wheels have dish pans trailing
World War I Diaries and Letters