Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-13 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 10
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things too, but only these two impressed me. Wherever I went he was at my elbow smiling at me. I hung around the post office where I'd planned to meet Mama, and he had every chance to annoy me, of course. There was no losing him in the crowd. Once a pal accosted him, and they gurgled at each other for a while. I gave him the slip and squeezed into a crowd on the corner. Here I could look several directions and I stood stretching my neck looking out for Mutt, and bless Pat! Here comes my little cavalier, smiling
things too, but only these two impressed me. Wherever I went he was at my elbow smiling at me. I hung around the post office where I'd planned to meet Mama, and he had every chance to annoy me, of course. There was no losing him in the crowd. Once a pal accosted him, and they gurgled at each other for a while. I gave him the slip and squeezed into a crowd on the corner. Here I could look several directions and I stood stretching my neck looking out for Mutt, and bless Pat! Here comes my little cavalier, smiling
World War I Diaries and Letters