Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-18 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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PM Nov. 18, 1918 Belovedest, It is nearly eight o'clock and I must soon be off to the office. Last night it was so late and I was so tired when I came home that I couldn't have written to save my gizzard. For two days I've gone without my dinner and lunch hours, because of the crowd, but of course I haven't minded it a bit. I always put away a bite or two before going to roost, and that makes up for it. Mr. Welch generally sees that we get a ride home, and
PM Nov. 18, 1918 Belovedest, It is nearly eight o'clock and I must soon be off to the office. Last night it was so late and I was so tired when I came home that I couldn't have written to save my gizzard. For two days I've gone without my dinner and lunch hours, because of the crowd, but of course I haven't minded it a bit. I always put away a bite or two before going to roost, and that makes up for it. Mr. Welch generally sees that we get a ride home, and
World War I Diaries and Letters