Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-18 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 2
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I enjoy the walking down in the mornings. Of course the last two mornings have been unpleasant because it's turning quite cold. I shouldn't wonder if we have a white Thanksgiving. It will seem a bit queer to me tho, because it's years since I've seen one. Last year while you were in Missouri we completely cracked our record for cold weather. On sure thing tho: I'm going to be drefful unhappy if I have to wear long sleeves & long legs this winter. Ooh! Goodnight! Yesterday something funny happened. A woman came in with her hubby's picture, and when a girl, who was taking notes from her, asked his name the lady replied, "Booze." The girl is a natural giggler and nearly exploded. She said she was afraid to write it for fear of insulting the woman so she asked for the way to spell it. The woman was much surprised and told her, "Why -- just Booze -- B-o-o-z-e. I tho't any one could spell that." The girl went on with her notes and presently asked "What was your maiden name? to which
I enjoy the walking down in the mornings. Of course the last two mornings have been unpleasant because it's turning quite cold. I shouldn't wonder if we have a white Thanksgiving. It will seem a bit queer to me tho, because it's years since I've seen one. Last year while you were in Missouri we completely cracked our record for cold weather. On sure thing tho: I'm going to be drefful unhappy if I have to wear long sleeves & long legs this winter. Ooh! Goodnight! Yesterday something funny happened. A woman came in with her hubby's picture, and when a girl, who was taking notes from her, asked his name the lady replied, "Booze." The girl is a natural giggler and nearly exploded. She said she was afraid to write it for fear of insulting the woman so she asked for the way to spell it. The woman was much surprised and told her, "Why -- just Booze -- B-o-o-z-e. I tho't any one could spell that." The girl went on with her notes and presently asked "What was your maiden name? to which
World War I Diaries and Letters