Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-19 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 4
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planned to go to the Majestic. I've never been, and Mama simply abhors vaudeville, but that night we were all so reckless that she consented. About dinner time Julie called and suggested that we all go together. We were to meet at the P.O. and when we arrived there we found the Rhodys' and Bob Somebody with Julie and Fred. Julie had a pain in her sawdust and didn't want to go to a show so we did what would have killed me off, had I been in her fix! simply stood and watched things. Finally we
planned to go to the Majestic. I've never been, and Mama simply abhors vaudeville, but that night we were all so reckless that she consented. About dinner time Julie called and suggested that we all go together. We were to meet at the P.O. and when we arrived there we found the Rhodys' and Bob Somebody with Julie and Fred. Julie had a pain in her sawdust and didn't want to go to a show so we did what would have killed me off, had I been in her fix! simply stood and watched things. Finally we
World War I Diaries and Letters