Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-21 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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Nancy, France November 21, 1918 My dearest, - Here I am tonight in charming Nancy, the city where we had our headquarters during the St. Nichiel show. I'm here to make arrangements for it to serve as our base while we are in Luxembourg and Germany. We evacuated the citadel this morning. The crowd went on towards Germany while I drove back to Bar-le-duc and then here. I've had a very busy day, and am not ready to leave. It may take me so long here tomorrow that there will be no use heading into the new country until the day after.
Nancy, France November 21, 1918 My dearest, - Here I am tonight in charming Nancy, the city where we had our headquarters during the St. Nichiel show. I'm here to make arrangements for it to serve as our base while we are in Luxembourg and Germany. We evacuated the citadel this morning. The crowd went on towards Germany while I drove back to Bar-le-duc and then here. I've had a very busy day, and am not ready to leave. It may take me so long here tomorrow that there will be no use heading into the new country until the day after.
World War I Diaries and Letters