Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-21 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 2
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To have this evening in Nancy before taking the field again is delightful. I have a cozy room, found after some trouble, for the town is full of visitors. This visit is delightful if for nothing more than to see the Place Stanislas by lamplight. Before, it was always as dark as the rest of the town. But there is no longer need for the darkness. The Huns who tried to terrorize us almost nightly come no more. And there's no denying that life is much more pleasant when one need not expect the siren and the archie fire and the bombs. As I passed through Toul today I caught a glimpse of one of my former company comrades at Snelling. And tonight I encountered here Big Tim Covey who was an officer in the Second Camp when I was. He was most envious when he
To have this evening in Nancy before taking the field again is delightful. I have a cozy room, found after some trouble, for the town is full of visitors. This visit is delightful if for nothing more than to see the Place Stanislas by lamplight. Before, it was always as dark as the rest of the town. But there is no longer need for the darkness. The Huns who tried to terrorize us almost nightly come no more. And there's no denying that life is much more pleasant when one need not expect the siren and the archie fire and the bombs. As I passed through Toul today I caught a glimpse of one of my former company comrades at Snelling. And tonight I encountered here Big Tim Covey who was an officer in the Second Camp when I was. He was most envious when he
World War I Diaries and Letters