Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-21 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 3
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heard a little of what I had been doing. He arrived too late to get in on anything. I'm just as glad he didn't, for he's an infantry captain. Infantry captains didn't come out in any great proportion after the battles. They're some of the boys who paid the bigger share of the cost of victory. I long for you very earnestly tonight. We could have such fun here! Without you there is always something lacking in every pleasant experience. It is very difficult at times now to be patient in waiting for the grand and glorious reunion we're to have, though easier in the assurance now present that there will be a reunion. Always I love you more and more, Daphne. I am starved in my yearning
heard a little of what I had been doing. He arrived too late to get in on anything. I'm just as glad he didn't, for he's an infantry captain. Infantry captains didn't come out in any great proportion after the battles. They're some of the boys who paid the bigger share of the cost of victory. I long for you very earnestly tonight. We could have such fun here! Without you there is always something lacking in every pleasant experience. It is very difficult at times now to be patient in waiting for the grand and glorious reunion we're to have, though easier in the assurance now present that there will be a reunion. Always I love you more and more, Daphne. I am starved in my yearning
World War I Diaries and Letters