Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-21 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 4
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for the thrill of having you in my arms. When we get together I shall want to hug you all the time. And kisses! Dear, mayn't I kiss you from the tip of your toes to the top of your wooly haid? And when I meet your lips -- those wonderful kissable lips - may I not kiss them forever? Oh, how eager I am to love you and to be loved. Nobody has loved me a bit for nearly a year --, and I want to be loved! Don't crowd, ladies, don't crowd. This offer is to one only. If I could only have your head on my shoulder tonight and cuddle you close, close -- then you'd know how much I love you. Your hubby, Conger Conger Reynolds 2 Lt AGD A E E Passed as censored
for the thrill of having you in my arms. When we get together I shall want to hug you all the time. And kisses! Dear, mayn't I kiss you from the tip of your toes to the top of your wooly haid? And when I meet your lips -- those wonderful kissable lips - may I not kiss them forever? Oh, how eager I am to love you and to be loved. Nobody has loved me a bit for nearly a year --, and I want to be loved! Don't crowd, ladies, don't crowd. This offer is to one only. If I could only have your head on my shoulder tonight and cuddle you close, close -- then you'd know how much I love you. Your hubby, Conger Conger Reynolds 2 Lt AGD A E E Passed as censored
World War I Diaries and Letters