Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-23 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 2
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There is such a variety of smells in the world. I never realized it so fully before. And at times it does seem as if we'd be just as well off if we had no sense of smell. I can forgive the fried meat smell in some cases, because lots of people haven't time to change clothes after cooking, and lots of others have to eat in the kitchen, but by gum! I can't excuse the dirt!! A nice big nigger girl brought me pictures of her husband and brother yesterday. Her maiden name was Steele, and when she was giving in the information about her brother she said, "He sho is precious! Why what do you reckon his name is?" Of course, I didn't dare guess so she told me "Ivory Gold." With a last name of Steele, he must be quite a precious proposition. Leave it to the niggers to find names. I could write a book on the funny things that have happened so you can see the thing has been
There is such a variety of smells in the world. I never realized it so fully before. And at times it does seem as if we'd be just as well off if we had no sense of smell. I can forgive the fried meat smell in some cases, because lots of people haven't time to change clothes after cooking, and lots of others have to eat in the kitchen, but by gum! I can't excuse the dirt!! A nice big nigger girl brought me pictures of her husband and brother yesterday. Her maiden name was Steele, and when she was giving in the information about her brother she said, "He sho is precious! Why what do you reckon his name is?" Of course, I didn't dare guess so she told me "Ivory Gold." With a last name of Steele, he must be quite a precious proposition. Leave it to the niggers to find names. I could write a book on the funny things that have happened so you can see the thing has been
World War I Diaries and Letters