Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-26 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 2
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ink dropper. I'm speaking from experience. Mr. Fichtel gave me a rather fancy specimen which is warranted not to leak, etc, and it doesn't. But I get so bloomin' mad every time I fill it that I think horrible things of poor Fritz. It was nice of you to go to all the trouble you did with the Christmas shopping. I had planned to relieve you of that this year but I'm so glad you got things because anything from over there will mean so much more than what we can get on this side. You needn't have bothered about me tho, Belovedest, because I can appreciate just how busy you are, and as I said in another letter, this can't be a regular Christmas to me. Funny how necessary you are to me, isn't it, especially considering the fact that we've spent only one Christmas together in all our lives. Oh if you might only come home!! I must run now because I am baking beans and they are at a critical point. I'm sending -- oh so much love, Daphne
ink dropper. I'm speaking from experience. Mr. Fichtel gave me a rather fancy specimen which is warranted not to leak, etc, and it doesn't. But I get so bloomin' mad every time I fill it that I think horrible things of poor Fritz. It was nice of you to go to all the trouble you did with the Christmas shopping. I had planned to relieve you of that this year but I'm so glad you got things because anything from over there will mean so much more than what we can get on this side. You needn't have bothered about me tho, Belovedest, because I can appreciate just how busy you are, and as I said in another letter, this can't be a regular Christmas to me. Funny how necessary you are to me, isn't it, especially considering the fact that we've spent only one Christmas together in all our lives. Oh if you might only come home!! I must run now because I am baking beans and they are at a critical point. I'm sending -- oh so much love, Daphne
World War I Diaries and Letters