Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-26 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 2
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I'm going to send the "pitchers" to you and thereby shift to you the burden of taking care of them. You don't mind, do you? Today I have allowed work to interfere somewhat with my sight-seeing and social life. In consequence I have no extravagant tales to relate. My sole unusual experience was to see a boche chauffer and his Mercedes car in front of the chief hotel. He had come to guide some French officers to a conference in Germany. Two of our men were inspecting the automobile and amiably chatting with the chauffer. What a game war is after all. Now that both sides have quit trying to kill each other things that
I'm going to send the "pitchers" to you and thereby shift to you the burden of taking care of them. You don't mind, do you? Today I have allowed work to interfere somewhat with my sight-seeing and social life. In consequence I have no extravagant tales to relate. My sole unusual experience was to see a boche chauffer and his Mercedes car in front of the chief hotel. He had come to guide some French officers to a conference in Germany. Two of our men were inspecting the automobile and amiably chatting with the chauffer. What a game war is after all. Now that both sides have quit trying to kill each other things that
World War I Diaries and Letters