Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-28 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 3
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at Julie's. Some feed, too. But I could have beaten you to a froth for writing Ernest about teasing me. I don't really mind it because they are all so good to me and I love them so. Yesterday they sure redoubled their efforts and it kept me going some to have answers ready. I had a peck of fun with Ernest over the letter you wrote him in French. He has never opened his head about it and he took it to a French Canadian
at Julie's. Some feed, too. But I could have beaten you to a froth for writing Ernest about teasing me. I don't really mind it because they are all so good to me and I love them so. Yesterday they sure redoubled their efforts and it kept me going some to have answers ready. I had a peck of fun with Ernest over the letter you wrote him in French. He has never opened his head about it and he took it to a French Canadian
World War I Diaries and Letters