Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-29 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 7
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both buried away from here One was Mrs Oscar Bills the bakers wife the other I didn't know very well Uncle Wm comes occasionally well and cheery as always. We have never heard from Dorrs or Newmans since they were here. I wrote Newman a letter of congratulations after he received his commission but have had nothing from him We learn through the Capital that Major Newman is escorting Miss Wilson on her trip about Europe. Some of the largest Democratic newspapers are criticizing the president greatly for going over there. He
both buried away from here One was Mrs Oscar Bills the bakers wife the other I didn't know very well Uncle Wm comes occasionally well and cheery as always. We have never heard from Dorrs or Newmans since they were here. I wrote Newman a letter of congratulations after he received his commission but have had nothing from him We learn through the Capital that Major Newman is escorting Miss Wilson on her trip about Europe. Some of the largest Democratic newspapers are criticizing the president greatly for going over there. He
World War I Diaries and Letters