Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-29 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 8
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certainly made a great mistake when he asked that a democratic house and senate be elected. I guess I will have to send this without any clipping as I am saving the papers for you but if you aren't coming soon will send them any way. We are both very well and do hope and pray you are also. As a dear little girl who was here a day or two ago said we are sending a Bushel and a Peck and some in a gourd of love to you dear \Your loving Mother
certainly made a great mistake when he asked that a democratic house and senate be elected. I guess I will have to send this without any clipping as I am saving the papers for you but if you aren't coming soon will send them any way. We are both very well and do hope and pray you are also. As a dear little girl who was here a day or two ago said we are sending a Bushel and a Peck and some in a gourd of love to you dear \Your loving Mother
World War I Diaries and Letters