Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-30 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 2
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I met Elizabeth Bingham in the street yesterday and she was dead sure her man will be home at once. She makes me tired (mioow! wow!) I have never said so before because Julie likes her, but I say so to you now because you don't know her. She is nice and domestic, and all that sort of thing, but ye Gods! Can't one be in love modestly? Must one flaunt the fact that one is engaged, in the face of every long suffering soul on earth? Surely other girls have loved as deeply and been loved in turn, but this one! I pause for breath. I admire Elizabeth because she sews neatly - a thing I can't do - and damned if I want to, at that. I can do
I met Elizabeth Bingham in the street yesterday and she was dead sure her man will be home at once. She makes me tired (mioow! wow!) I have never said so before because Julie likes her, but I say so to you now because you don't know her. She is nice and domestic, and all that sort of thing, but ye Gods! Can't one be in love modestly? Must one flaunt the fact that one is engaged, in the face of every long suffering soul on earth? Surely other girls have loved as deeply and been loved in turn, but this one! I pause for breath. I admire Elizabeth because she sews neatly - a thing I can't do - and damned if I want to, at that. I can do
World War I Diaries and Letters