Conger Reynolds correspondence, November 1918
1918-11-30 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 6
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look. I had quite a time persuading the hens at the Red Cross that flashlight batteries wouldn't explode and kill them. It was for all the world, like some cheap movie. Finally, being sickened by their clucking, I called up the P.O. for permission to mail them, which of course I received. I spuz they tho't I was a spy sending - er - a spyglass. (Don't you think I'm the cleverest person you ever married?)
look. I had quite a time persuading the hens at the Red Cross that flashlight batteries wouldn't explode and kill them. It was for all the world, like some cheap movie. Finally, being sickened by their clucking, I called up the P.O. for permission to mail them, which of course I received. I spuz they tho't I was a spy sending - er - a spyglass. (Don't you think I'm the cleverest person you ever married?)
World War I Diaries and Letters