Conger Reynolds correspondence, December 1918
1918-12-27 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 10
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deserve a tremenjus big kiss and here it are -- right here. [big circle] That's a bigger one than it looks to be. Now I'm going to put my sore throat to bed because tomorrow is wash day. Honey, please don't make me wash for a living. It's dreadful work and I 'spise it. Nightie, now. I love you -- ooh ever so. I'll show you how much, first chance I have. Your very devoted Wiffle.
deserve a tremenjus big kiss and here it are -- right here. [big circle] That's a bigger one than it looks to be. Now I'm going to put my sore throat to bed because tomorrow is wash day. Honey, please don't make me wash for a living. It's dreadful work and I 'spise it. Nightie, now. I love you -- ooh ever so. I'll show you how much, first chance I have. Your very devoted Wiffle.
World War I Diaries and Letters