Adelia M. Hoyt memoir and photographs
Page 34
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34 UNFOLDING YEARS I had the watch in my hand when the door opened and Professor McCune walked in. "Class is dismissed," he said curtly, and then passing by all the others who were out of their seats, he spoke directly to me: "Miss Hoyt, this is not business." I walked out of the room, not realizing till far down the hall that I was still holding the watch in my hand. Then came the problem of how to return the watch to its owner. It seems now that it would have been a simple matter to take it to the office and ask that it be returned, but no such thing seemed possible at the time. Some of my girl friends played in the orchestra and right behind them sat some boys whom we could trust. I prevailed on one of the girls to pass the watch back surreptitiously; this was done and the incident closed. By the way, notes were often passed back and forth in like manner. Professor Slaughter, our Music Director, was a great favorite of ours and we were always trying to play jokes on him. One winter day, armed with plenty of fresh snow, Ena, Blanche and I stole into his music room in the recess just before dinner. Catching him unawares we began stuffing the snow down his neck. He naturally turned upon us and while the others tussled with him, I went for more snow. Out through the window on the veranda I went, but all the snow had vanished from the railings, so I rushed down to the back yard. At the foot of the steps my feet slipped from under me and down I went on my back. The dinner bell rang but I did not hear it. The next thing I knew I was lying on my bed with the nurse and matron over me. One of the workmen who saw me fall had picked me up and carried me to my room. The Superintendent was very solicitous for it was feared that my back was injured. Mother and the doctor were summoned but it proved not be serious. A day or two in bed with extra attention which I enjoyed and I was back to normal. During Blanche's last year, one of the teachers offered to conduct a special class in literature between supper and chapel. Always eager to learn all we could along the line, Blanche and I joined the group. One evening in early spring we had come up
34 UNFOLDING YEARS I had the watch in my hand when the door opened and Professor McCune walked in. "Class is dismissed," he said curtly, and then passing by all the others who were out of their seats, he spoke directly to me: "Miss Hoyt, this is not business." I walked out of the room, not realizing till far down the hall that I was still holding the watch in my hand. Then came the problem of how to return the watch to its owner. It seems now that it would have been a simple matter to take it to the office and ask that it be returned, but no such thing seemed possible at the time. Some of my girl friends played in the orchestra and right behind them sat some boys whom we could trust. I prevailed on one of the girls to pass the watch back surreptitiously; this was done and the incident closed. By the way, notes were often passed back and forth in like manner. Professor Slaughter, our Music Director, was a great favorite of ours and we were always trying to play jokes on him. One winter day, armed with plenty of fresh snow, Ena, Blanche and I stole into his music room in the recess just before dinner. Catching him unawares we began stuffing the snow down his neck. He naturally turned upon us and while the others tussled with him, I went for more snow. Out through the window on the veranda I went, but all the snow had vanished from the railings, so I rushed down to the back yard. At the foot of the steps my feet slipped from under me and down I went on my back. The dinner bell rang but I did not hear it. The next thing I knew I was lying on my bed with the nurse and matron over me. One of the workmen who saw me fall had picked me up and carried me to my room. The Superintendent was very solicitous for it was feared that my back was injured. Mother and the doctor were summoned but it proved not be serious. A day or two in bed with extra attention which I enjoyed and I was back to normal. During Blanche's last year, one of the teachers offered to conduct a special class in literature between supper and chapel. Always eager to learn all we could along the line, Blanche and I joined the group. One evening in early spring we had come up
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